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Step 2 - C

Note: We do not have instructions here on using the DC Load IP with your Broadband adapter. We will post instructions here when we find them.

Start up your Dreamcast with the DC Load Serial CD you burned in it. Then open your windows command prompt and type "C:" and press enter.

Then type "CD CodersApp" and press enter again. This should take you to the directory where you unzipped DC-Tool.exe to.

Now you're ready to run DC-Tool, in order to do so, (keeping things simple mind you) make sure the file you plan to load is in the same directory and that it is supported such as a .elf or .bin.

Change "com1" on the line below to the correct com port that you plugged your coders cable into. Then while still in the command prompt type:

DC-TOOL -t com1 -x filename.extension

filename.extension being the name of the compiled Dreamcast file you or someone else has compiled in .bin or .elf format.

Note: if com1 doesnt work try changing it to a different number from 1 - 9.
-x is the command to load and execute the file.

If done correctly, when your dreamcast loads, it will show a black screen that will say "DC-TOOl v1.0.2 idle" After entering the command line info you should see a series of numbers loading in the command prompt and the dreamcast screen.
You have now successfully loaded a file with the Serial/coders

Note: if you load an invalid file you will not get any response on your Dreamcast and the screen will still say idle.

Credits go to ag3nt_0rang3 for writing a large portion of this tutorial. He also wishes to thank DCGrendel, FETT, Dean[SAS], and LyonHrt. So any good results you get from this are owed to them and their patience. Also to HyperG for updating portions of the guide for use with KOS 1.1.6 and up.

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